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Never before has there been a time when transformation was so necessary - the world needs to change. 1:1 Coaching is a powerful tool to support anyone working to create positive and regenerative change.

At Second Nature we've seen that change takes time to embed, so 1:1 coaching is usually a series of 6 - 8 sessions over a time-frame agreed with you, in support of your objectives. 

"The tools you’ve shared with me around story-telling are really powerful, enabling me to register the emotions I’m feeling and check-in on the narrative so I can disrupt my stories and find new perspectives."

"I'm so happy that we finally launched!! Thanks for your support and for understanding the complete and utter madness I was living through. The structure and support plan that we discussed to get me to launch day was invaluable."

Image by Scott Graham


Consulting Projects - these are the bread and butter of what we do at Second Nature and we get really excited when these are also linked to Regenerative Design.

Example Projects: 

Marketing Communications - grow your purpose & share your vision with the world

Campaign Communications - Key Messages, Narrative & Copywriting support for purpose driven initiatives

Research Projects - Curiosity is the driving force around here, we love research

Report Writing - Concluding any project with a report is part of our standard practice




Showcasing what we do best - at Second Nature we never stop working to create positive and regenerative change ourselves...

- A Regenerative Vision for Entremont - Action Learning collaboration with the ETF Zurich 2023-4 MOOC on Regenerative Design 

- The Climate Party UK - Founding & Design Partner

- Ramassage - Creative Community Clean Up Events - linked to climate change education

- Sembrancher Community Cafe - Cafe Helvetia

- Circles   

Read more about these projects in the Second Nature Blog



The size and scale of change required at all levels means that we're rarely in this alone - get support in finding partners and funding to build a community around you and your initiative so that you have all the support you need to go forward with allies.


Every single one of us has the potential to take a lead in the work of responding to the urgent crises facing the planet today. The Leadership Circle is not just another leadership program; it's a rebellion against the status quo, a transformative journey that will empower you to co-create a new future for yourself and society.

We're excited to be beginning this journey again on November 22nd 2023

Earlybird pricing now open.

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