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Sarah Hutchison

A Leadership Shift

The problems our society faces are huge, complex, multi-faceted and tangled up across national and systemic boundaries. The only certainty we can have about how the future will unfold in relation to these multiple crises is that it remains uncertain.

The technology to solve many of society's most pressing problems exists already, and in fact has been available and improving for the last 20 years. The reason we're not getting very far in terms of implementing the technology and innovations necessary to decarbonise, or re-generate our natural environment is one of political and economic leadership in the face of mass consumerism, and an economic system that measures success in the wrong way - not a lack of solutions, innovation or human ingenuity.

So the frustrating reality is that we totally CAN fix the planet, just sadly, so far, our global, national and business leaders haven't managed to figure out how to get everyone on the same page and heading in the same direction.

I believe a shift in leadership is what's needed to solve many of these crises, that this shift is already taking place and that by being aware of the shift, we can hold space as coaches and facilitators to support it.

While the pale male generation of 'leaders' who created this mess continues to struggle to hold on to power and prevent the change necessary to move society towards a more regenerative model, there's a new cohort of leaders mushrooming!

These leaders are not from within the traditional executive model of 'business leadership', but from the grass roots, and from the ground up.. They look different, more normal, like your mate rather than a stranger in a suit. Diverse and colourful in every sense, brimming with love for the planet and for other people. They speak of purpose and collaboration, fairness, justice and equality. They prioritise values and respect for all living beings and the planet over profit and act with a mindset that welcomes diversity of opinion, thought, upbringing, education, nationality, gender, age etc.. They're working to usher in a new world and a new regenerative leadership paradigm. They do this by staying present to the reality of the challenge - our planet is dying and we need to act now. By speaking their truth, and choosing kindness and cooperation over competition and separation from the natural world.

There are millions of us out there you know! Doing the real leadership thing, not backing out because the profit margin isn't good enough. Showing up to figure out complex problems. Telling it like it is.

So how do we support new regerative leaders flourishing? How do we phase out the old style of leadership and create spaces where new ways of being, acting and leading can take root and be nourished and enabled to grow? This is one of the questions behind The Leadership Circle 2023 - a 9 week exploration of leadership that Joey Clifton and I will be hosting - beginning in January 2023.

Do you recognise this new form of leadership within yourself? Do you think you might be interested in exploring it further? If so, drop me an e-mail and let me know

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy

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